Sep 25, 2016 | Home-custom, Knowing the world
Visiting USA 2016 was my first Transatlantic destination. After very long period of routine life, I was finally on the road, again. A dynamic change in my mind was the first inevitable step I was confronted with. In order to get in touch with my Quest on Searching for Alternative Ways, I had to leave my old continent behind and one ocean. I Had to cross few time zones …
Mar 10, 2016 | Home-custom, Knowing the world, YouTube video gallery
The idea of a journey around the world was born more than five decades ago. Today, most of his thoughts and skills is focusing on finding ways and means to realize that goal. To help him accomplish such a long lasting dream and to find an alternative way of life, we create YouTube video channel. Knowing the World – a project in constant expansion …
Apr 19, 2013 | Knowing the world
How to never return from your journey We all have our dreams. This happens to be mine ... This is a small part of the story of another solo bicycle journey around the World. Nikolai left Denmark on April 10th 2006 and was back in Copenhagen 1.413 days & 62.180 km...